Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking)

Many oil and gas deposits will be subject to horizontal hydraulic fracturing (fracking) operations in the future. While these deposits can be very deep, the drilling will most always pass through groundwater. In order to ensure the integrity of the groundwater in the areas where hydraulic fracturing operations are planned, base line water tests can be performed to determine the water quality in advance of these operations. Continued monitoring can occur during extraction or after oil and gas activities have been completed to determine water quality impacts that may have occurred. Some states may also require testing in order to obtain permits for the various activities that are necessary during the oil and gas extraction process. A typical list of parameters that are tested for are listed below.

  • Dissolved methane (1) 40 ml vial preserved with HCL
  • BTEX (2) 40 ml vials preserved with HCL
  • pH, Alkalinity, Specific Conductance, Total Dissolved Solids, Chloride, Sulfate, Nitrite (1) One liter plastic container
  • Nitrate (1) 250 ml plastic container preserved with H2SO4
  • Metals – arsenic, barium, calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, selenium, cadmium, lead, manganese, mercury, and silver (1) 250 ml plastic preserved with HNO3

Teklab, a NELAP certified laboratory can test for all of these parameters in house at our Collinsville, IL laboratory location.

Call us Toll Free at (877) 344-1003 or email John Riley for a price quote for these services. A sampling kit can be sent out today.

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Our Location

5445 Horseshoe Lake Road
Collinsville, IL
Tel: 618 344 1004
Toll Free: 877 344 1003