Teklab, Inc provides polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon compound (PNA or PAH) testing by SW846 8270 SIMs in the Midwest. Our semi-volatile organic testing lab routinely analyzes soils, waters or special wastes for single compounds or for multiple unknowns such as those in SW846 8270. Teklab, Inc. is the environmental laboratory that will satisfy your PNA/PAH and SIMs testing needs and will exceed your expectations.
Regulatory agencies often require PAH testing for diesel fuel residue from leaking underground storage tanks. We recommend that you contact a NELAP accredited environmental testing laboratory for your PNA testing needs.
SIM: Selective Ion Monitoring
Many remediation projects have clean up objectives with the lowest reporting limit possible and the legal defensibility of mass spectrophotometer detection, but require high enough contamination levels to ensure reimbursement. This combination can be difficult because complex matrices can damage the mass spectrophotometer. Since GC/MS analysis is significantly more costly, the industry has developed Selective Ion Monitoring (SIM). The SIM techinque allows environmental laboratories to analyze highly complex samples with minimal dilutions which results in minimal damage to the mass spectrophotometer. That allows low reporting limits and the enhanced defensibility of mass spectrophotometer analysis.